Not sure which brand to use. Just someone who wants to get started in digital art, and scan in some basic sketches to work in on editing programs.
Three answers:
2012-07-26 13:35:22 UTC
Use a HP G-4010 which is a legal size scanner able to scan up to 14". I use one for my magazine printshop and works flawlessly. You can also scan slides, negatives etc... It scans very quickly and is very reliable.
For scanning basic sketches and the like just about any flatbed scanner will do. It's not an incredible demand on the hardware.
For ease of use, a Canon scanner may be just the ticket. Many are powered via the USB cord and are the same size as most laptops. They are designed for ease of use. You might be able to pick one up on Craigslist really cheap. But as I said earlier just about any scanner would work so if you find another one you like go for it (so long as it will work with your operating system).